
Hi, I'm Dr. Marsha

Creator of the Wild Pursuits Method.

My mission

Empowering women through perimenopause and menopause by teaching them how to work with their hormones.

I've been there

I created the Wild Pursuits Method after decades of pursuing the best way to eat, train and supplement as an athletic, active woman. I know what it’s like to feel as though your body is rebelling, utterly confused about why you’re not getting results like everyone else. 

 I’ve trained more, trained less, eaten plant based then paleo, did fasted runs, fueled runs, pushed through menstrual cramps, lost my period, got it back with a vengeance, took dozens of supplements, skipped all my supplements … all without answers. 

After a lifetime of athletic adventures, 15 years in clinical practice and a deep dive into functional medicine testing, I understand the depth and power of  INDIVIDUALITY. You need to know the hows and whys of your body’s functioning to actual HEAL and THRIVE. 

Support for menopausal women has been lacking, until now.

Soon after establishing a women's health care practice in 2009, I realized the conventional medical model only focuses on disease care, not health care. It’s a disheartening system that disregards basic wellness and quality of life. This is even more apparent when addressing menopause. 

After years working alongside this broken model,  I began the process of overhauling my practice model and focusing on my passion – supporting perimenopausal & postmenopausal women in pursuing their wildest, most ambitious goals and dreams regardless of age and hormone status.

Perimenopause and postmenopause are not pathologies but normal transitions in every woman’s life that can bring debilitating and life altering symptoms.  The current medical model is often insufficient and overly dismissive towards menopausal women. I’m working to change this.

My Wild Pursuits program is the most comprehensive functional health program specifically designed for perimenopausal and menopausal women who love to move their body. It's a deep dive into your unique physiology utilizing comprehensive functional lab testing to discover how your body needs to be fueled and supported to thrive.  

I'm all about...

  1. Giving people the information and tools to be empowered and in control of their body and health. We're amazingly resilient.
  2. Staying curious about what I am capable of, what others are capable of and the world at large.  
  3. Embracing the process, no matter the difficulty. How one gets to the end goal is what fuels growth and evolution. 
  4. Rescues! I wish for every dog and cat to have a loving home with extra cuddles and treats. 
  5. Creative baking. I like to modify recipes to fit different dietary needs and preferences.


Ready to take charge of your menopause experience?

The Wild Pursuits Program

A comprehensive 6-month, virtual deep dive into your physiology and hormones. Utilizing extensive functional lab testing, regular check-ins and customized plans and protocols based on your individual data.

Apply Now

Individual Naturopathic Visits 

Naturopathic menopausal one-on-one visits, with select labs decided upon during your visits. Individualized treatment plans based on lab and symptoms, with follow ups scheduled as needed.

Work With Me

Grab your free Menopause Screening Labs Checklist

Your health risks and screening needs change along with your hormones. Grab your checklist to make sure you are getting all the necessary labs and imaging in menopause.