
Wild Pursuits Method

A functional health program for perimenopausal and menopausal women with Dr. Marsha Hamilton

Let's do this →

"After years of doctors telling me nothing was wrong, I decided to bite the bullet and dive in to Dr. Marsha's program. I was not looking for a quick fix, more answers to help me understand my physiological changes... and answers I got!"

Rachel, Wild Pursuits Alumni

"There was so much that stands out about working with Dr. Marsha and why I would recommend her to any woman tired of not being heard.  I had all the resources I needed to set me up for success. "

Laurie, Wild Pursuits Alumni

There Is A Better Way

It's not in your head

Don't be told you're fine, it's "just" menopause, or it's because of your weight.

It's not about a diet

It's not the latest diet, supplement or detox, it's addressing the root cause.

There is no one size fits all

What your body needs to be nourished and supported is unique. Test, don't guess.

The Wild Pursuits Method

1. A proven, comprehensive strategy to reclaim your hormones, metabolism, mood and mind that are guided by YOUR lab results. 

2. Monthly 1-on-1 consults with regular checkins throughout the month. 

3. Thorough lab interpretations and individualized treatment plans so you know EXACTLY what your body needs, gaining confidence in how to work WITH your body. 

4. Work with someone who's experienced, listens, and is passionate about your health and wellbeing. 

More about me

Phases of the Wild Pursuits Program

1. Reset

Reset your healthcare experience. Clarify your vision, shift habits and mindset to those that nourish you. Establish a start point, align routines and lifestyle with your physiology.

LABS: comprehensive blood work

2. Rebalance

Restore hormone balance and stress resiliency by addressing deeper hormonal imbalances and adrenal dysfunction.

LABS: sex hormones, adrenals/cortisol

3. Repair

Repair gut function, balance your gut microbiome, eliminate digestive distress, reduce inflammation and optimize nutrient absorption.

LABS: digestive analysis, food sensitivities

4. Restore

Restore your nervous system, give your body the exact foods, nutrient therapy and daily flow framework you need to thrive based on your specific genetic blueprint.

LABS: functional genomics, organic acids

5. Refine

Adaptation & sustainability

You are a dynamic being living in an ever-changing world going through a significant hormone change. Now you have the understanding and the tools to work with your body, regardless of your hormones.

The educational component of this program will leave your feeling confident in modifying your lifestyle, training and nutrition to adapt to any situation that may arise as you move forward. Preventing disease, optimizing wellness and feeling your best. 

Let's do this →

Get your Menopause Screening Labs Checklist

As the hormone changes in perimenopause and menopause affect your entire body, including your brain, immune system, digestion and metabolism. Your screening labs also need to change in this phase of life!

The Wild Pursuits Method

A 6-month, high touch, functional health program that gives you 1-on-1 support to help you optimize your health in a completely customized way. 

This is your secret weapon for living a life full of abundance, purpose, health and joy.



  • Bi-monthly check-ins.


  • All functional labs are included.


  • Based on your lab data and lifestyle.

Are you ready to reclaim your drive, focus & function?


Complete the Wild Pursuits application, if you’re a good fit for the program you will be invited to schedule a 30-minute strategy session where I'll ask you questions about your journey, learn more about your goals and answer any questions.


One of two things will happen: you'll either be a perfect fit for the program where we both feel a strong YES on working together and we’ll discuss the next steps in getting started…


There will not be any hard feelings, and NO obligations on your part - I will simply suggest another option and point you in the right direction.

Yes, Let's Chat